Hey Developers, sorry no fancy page for you, only closers get CSS.

Ready to start? If so, download my .js file here.

This contains WhoTheEthABI variable which is my ABI and also a WhoTheEthAddress for the contract address.
So getting to my contract is as easy as whoTheEth = web3.eth.contract(WhoTheEthABI).at(WhoTheEthAddress);

Lastly, the functions you need to know are these:
contract.names(address) <- that is the function that returns the name for an address.

Now, let's say you want to use my system for your own dApp, but you don't want me making money off your users, I understand, so here, check this out:
contract.setNameRefer(string, address)
That is the function to add a new name with you as the refer to get the payment. You have your site load up the call and put YOUR address as the second argument for when they click your TX. The contract pays you 90% of what they put in.
Now you don't have to do your own username codebase and you don't think I'm just here to make money. Which I'm not.
contract.bank(address) <- see how much referral money you got waiting to pull.
contract.pullFunds() <- to get any money from your referrals.

Once the free period is over, setting a name costs 1 finney. What ever address you put in that second argument gets 90% of it.
Word of warning, it will reject it if the referal name is the msg.sender. So people can't easily just get back most of their 1 finney.

One major major warning if using this system for names, treat these names as user inputted, cause they are.
Sanitize, Sanitize, Sanitize this data. There is no string limit other than gas block limit, so they can put in something a 1000 characters long.
Also, do I have to remind you of THIS?!

Don't say I didn't warn you!

Anyways, have fun! If you need help, hit me up on Twitter @TieDyedGuy

Oh ya, etherscan.io link: Is right here with source code.